“Did you leave Modere?!”

January 10, 2024

I’ve been getting lots of variations of this question in my inbox lately, which is understandable given the fact that for a year and a half, it was the primary focus of my content, and it was the main source of our family’s income for the better part of that time…

So, let me first give you some context incase you don’t know my story:

Two years ago, I started my Modere business, and I got on my Instagram stories and vulnerably shared about how for so long I had so many dreams and projects I felt called to do but it seemed like every time I went to pour time and energy into them, I’d have to be redirected because of lack of finances.

So if I was going to put energy into anything it had to be connected to income. 

And at the time, I didn’t know what else to do other than go get a job outside the home which I 100% didn’t want to do. And that is the reason I started my business in the first place. 

And a year and a half later, I took a bit of a break and started to evaluate my next steps before heading back into a season of work.

I found myself at a place where I’d seen the success, I’d grown so many skills, I was seeing the income I desperately needed back then come in…

And I had to decide:

Do I just keep this the main thing?

Or do I now allow this to be the vehicle it was supposed to be and finally get to work on those passions I had from the beginning? 

In a season of deep reflection, I attended a conference and later chatted with one the speakers who really challenged me to go ALL IN on ONE THING, and I knew right away what that thing had to be..

It was the very thing I had worked so dang hard to create.

Here’s the thing: 6 years ago, God birthed in me a passion for family, and redefining what that means — and as He’s given me vision for my own, He’s also refined, prepared and positioned me to be bring it to others. 

So after 6 years of waiting, preparing, praying, I’m launching a course next month to help Christian families cultivate rhythms for a more purposeful and integrated family. That’s my thing. 

So the short answer is NO. I did not leave Modere.

And while I’m an “all in” kind of girl, I have always said that my dream was never to sell collagen.

And it still isn’t.

Do I love the collagen? Absolutely.
Did it transform my hair completely? You betcha.
Did I discover new leadership passions through my Modere business? 1000%
Do I love what network marketing does for broke moms with big dreams? BIG FAT RESOUNDING YESSSS✨

And I guess it goes without saying that this is the nature of network marketing — you pick it up, put it down, and lean on it freely as it was intended.

That’s what we’re after — time freedom.

So while this update is completely unnecessary and really doesn’t change much, I really wanted to share my heart for transparency’s sake.

And for the record: Modere continues to be a huge blessing to our family in ways far beyond financial — the skills, growth and leadership we’ve both been exposed to and developed are priceless. The relationships we’ve built. The impact we’ve made through this business — I’m so grateful for our Modere business.

But when I was challenged to go ALL IN on ONE THING this fall, I knew what that thing had to be..

And I was done making excuses, or delaying…

If you have a dream, I say go for it. No matter what it is, and no matter what it takes.

And if you desire to cultivate intentional rhythms to help you take back the family, then click here to join the waitlist and be the first to know what’s coming and when!

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